April 14, 2011

if you visit redbox

Just in case you were thinking of going and getting a random redbox romantic comedy, like my sister and I do when our husbands/brothers decide to play xbox, avoid this movie! 
This is the worst movie I have seen in a long time! It is not even one of those bad movies that is funny or entertaining because it is so bad and you can just mock it the entire time (that is usually one of the kinds of movies we are looking for at redbox). It was so painfully boring, literally nothing happens and nothing is resolved after an hour and a half of crazy people having confusing conversations and getting drunk. The only thing that was redeeming at all was the soundtrack.


Dasha said...

Ha ha I can't believe you actually blogged about this! But I guess we should warn people. Next time I'll listen to you and we'll get something fabulously bad like Country Strong.

smeegs said...

I refuse to believe that a film with as bitchin of a gimmick as "nothing complicates friendship like love" could be bad.

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